Friday, October 12, 2012

Heredity and Evolution

Question 1

Question: Alternative forms of a gene are called _____________.

1. loci
2. multiples
3. chromosomes
4. alleles

Answer: 4

Question 2

Question: Heredity or inheritance of specific traits became clearer due to

1. Lamarck's theory
2. Mendel worked on garden peas
3. Darwinism
4. Neo-Darwinism

Answer: 2

Question 3

Question: Which of these is homozygous recessive?

1. Ss
2. ss
3. SS
4. s

Answer: 2

Question 4

Question: What will be the genotypic ratio of the cross between Rr and rr?

1. 1:2:1
2. 3:1
3. 1:1
4. 1:1:1

Answer: 3

Question 5

Question: What will be the genotypic ratio of the cross between Rr and Rr?

1. 1:1
2. 3:1
3. 1:2:1
4. 1:1:1

Answer: 3

Question 6

Question: The offspring resulting from a cross between two pure homozygous recessives would be _______.

1. 50% homozygous recessive and 50% homozygous dominant
2. 75% homozygous recessive and 25% heterozygous dominant
3. 75% homozygous recessive and 25% homozygous dominant
4. 100% homozygous recessive

Answer: 4

Question 7

Question: On what cellular structures are genes in eukaryotes carried?

1. Endoplasmic reticulum
2. Nuclear membrane
3. Chromosomes
4. Mitochondria

Answer: 3

Question 8

Question: Which of the following sentences is true about the evolutionary process?

1. There is no real 'progress' in the idea of evolution.
2. humans are unique, a totally new type of organism.
3. progress is nature's religion.
4. Evolution of life forms was rapid in the beginning ages.

Answer: 1

Question 9

Question: Microevolution takes place due to

1. somatogenic variation
2. blastogenic variation
3. continuous variation
4. Successive variation

Answer: 2

Question 10

Question: In man the chromosome number is 46. How many chromosomes are present in man's muscle cells?

1. 23
2. 46
3. 69
4. variable

Answer: 2

Question 11

Question: The difference between Homo sapiens and the Homo erectus was ____. .

1. Homo sapiens originated in Africa while Homo erectus was in Asia
2. Homo eructus were much smaller in size than homo sapiens.
3. Homo eructus stayed in Africa while Homo sapiens did not
4. The size of their brain of Homo eructus was smaller to homo sapiens

Answer: 4

Question 12

Question: The component of a chromosome that controls heredity is ____.

1. proteins
2. histones
3. DNA
4. RNA

Answer: 3

Question 13

Question: Speciation takes place when variation occurs with

1. mood changes
2. death of an organism
3. changes due to accidents
4. geographical isolation
Answer: 4

Question 14

Question: Number of chromosomes in a human male is _________.

1. 23
2. 23 pairs
3. 22 pairs + XY
4. 22 pairs

Answer: 3

Question 15

Question: By studying analogous structures we look for ______.

1. similarities in appearance and function but different in structure
2. similarities in appearance bur differences if functions
3. Similarities in organ structure
4. Similarities in cell make up

Answer: 1

Question 16

Question: __________ was a predecessor of Darwin's and developed the theory of acquired characteristics.

1. Weismann
2. Mendel
3. Malthus
4. Lamarck

Answer: 4

Question 17

Question: Which of these is not a living fossil?

1. Archaeopteryx
2. Duck-billed platypus
3. Lungfish
4. Frog

Answer: 1

Question 18

Question: Which of the following are not examples of analogous structures?

1. Wings of bat and butterfly
2. Wings of bat and forelimb of cattle
3. Thorn and spine
4. Tendril of Lathyrus and tendril of Gloriosa

Answer: 2

Question 19

Question: The scientist who cut off the tails of mice of successive generations to prove Lamarck's theory wrong was _____.

1. Weismann
2. Haeckel
3. Darwin
4. Wallace

Answer: 1

Question 20

Question: Human being belongs to the species of_____.

1. Homo erectus
2. Homo habillis
3. Homo sapiens
4. Hominidae

Answer: 3

Question 21

Question: Links between organisms that show branching pattern of evolutionary relationships are shown by_____.

1. living fossils
2. comparative embryology
3. phylogenetic trees
4. two fossil layerss

Answer: 3

Question 22

Question: Speciation is the evolutionary process by which _____.

1. a new gene pool is formed
2. evolutionary paths of species converge
3. hybrids species form
4. Shows up differences in physical traits

Answer: 1

Question 23

Question: Non geographic speciation can be found in _____.

1. parapatric speciation
2. peripatric speciation
3. allopatric speciation
4. sympatric speciation

Answer: 1

Question 24

Question: Evidences of evolutionary relationships is found in ______.

1. atmosphere
2. fossils
3. ocean beds
4. rocks

Answer: 2

Question 25

Question: In dogs the chromosome number is 78. How many chromosomes are present in the dog sperm?

1. 78
2. 39
3. cannot determine from this information
4. variable

Answer: 1

Question 26

Question: Homologous chromosomes which are similar in both the sexes are called ______.

1. sex chromosomes
2. autosomes
3. allosomes
4. androsomes

Answer: 2

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