Monday, November 12, 2012

Fibre to Fabric

  1. Fibres that are obtained from nature, i.e., from plants and animals are called natural fibres and those made by humans by chemical methods are known as synthetic fibres.
    Wool and silk are obtained from animals and cotton and jute are obtained from plants. Hence, they are natural fibres. Nylon and polyester on the other hand are prepared artificially and are therefore synthetic fibres.
  2. a) Yarn is made from fibre. (True)
    b) Spinning is a process of making fibres. (False)
    c) Jute is an outer covering of coconut. (False)
    d) The process of removing seeds from cotton is called ginning. (True)
    e) Weaving of yarn makes a piece of fabric. (True)
    f) Silk fibre is obtained from the stem of a plant. (False)
    g) Polyester is a natural fibre. (False)
  3. (a) Plant fibres are obtained from __fruits__ and __stems__.
    (b) Animal fibres are __wool__ and __silk__.
  4. Cotton fibres are obtained from the fruit of cotton plants. The fruit of a cotton plant is known as cotton bolls. Jute fibres are obtained from the stem of jute plants.
  5. Two items that are made from coconut fibre are:
    (i) Ropes
    (ii) Baskets
  6. The process of making yarn from fibre is called spinning. The fibres are first drawn out from their source and then twisted into yarn. Two devices used in spinning are takli and charkha.

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